Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon
Nearly Six hours later!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weekend long run and Speed Training

I am writing this mostly so my non running friends will be able to follow along with me as I train. I know this is much too basic for my running friends -- and they might even need to correct me on a few things.

This past Saturday was the first really long run of the training cycle. We ran 14 miles. I have run half marathons in the past (13.1 miles) but have never trained like this in the summer. The previous half marathons were in the winter and thus the training runs took place from October to February. Let me tell you, summer training is a whole new deal.

We started at 5 am so we would finish our run before it got too hot. The Track Shack staff puts water out for us about every two miles- so we don't have to carry our own water. There are several different pace groups and we run with the same pace group from week to week. I started out fine and ran merrily along for the first 8 or so miles. Out of nowhere... BONK. My quads started yelping and my butt joined in with them. I was a little worried about finishing the run, but I slowed down significantly for a couple miles and was able to pull it together enough to finish the run. I can't say it was pretty - but I got it done.

Speed Training:

Once a week we do speed training. We do different distances each week with a specific pace in mind. We run faster during these drills than we do on our other runs. The goal is to maintain a consistent pace for all of the repeats throughout the workout. Even as your legs get tired, the pace stays the same - and so you learn to run while fatigued.

Today we did 800's. I love 800's. The only thing better than 800's is 400's! What you do is run 800 yards around the track followed by a walk rest for 200 yards and repeat. Each week, the track workout amounts to at least 3 miles.

The Track Shack group does their speed work before the crack of dawn on Tuesdays and after work. I have a friend (thanks, Abby) who runs with me at 630 am instead. Much better.

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