Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon
Nearly Six hours later!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A whole new week!

Well, I bailed on an early morning run on Tuesday. It was supposed to be a track run where I would do 3-4 sets of 1200 yards ( I think - how is the track measured?) Anyway, each 1200 is 3/4 of a mile. So 4 of these would equal 3 miles run. I HATE 1200s. Just hate them. So, when morning came and the alarm went off, and I knew I would be doing this solo ( my running partner couldn't come), I just turned the alarm off and went back to sleep. Geez. So much for my resolve to do better...

I decided to do more pool running with Alan that night so I could salvage the day! We "ran" for an hour. I am told that pool running and road running burn the same amount of calories mile for mile -- or minute for minute. I can run just under 6 miles in an hour so I counted the hour in the pool as 6 miles. Thus 600 calories. Nice. Pool running is cool -- literally. If you have a partner to pool run with ( hint hint Lynne and Tara) it is actually fun.

So, with new resolve this morning, I hopped (not really - it was more of a begrudging climb) out of bed and went for a 5.5 mile run this morning. I thought 7 am would be early enough to avoid the heat. NOT. It is 87 degrees right now with a "feels like" of 98. It could not have been much less than that at 7. Yikes -- I think I will have to start at 6 tomorrow.

My goal this week is to run twice and cross train (pool running) twice before the long run on Saturday. I am planning to run 14 again on Saturday with a 5 am start. Fun times!

More as the week progresses!

Thanks for reading,


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Only 12 miles today. Who says that?

Yesterday I actually said, "Yay, only 12 miles today." I had to laugh because I remember Alan saying such ludicrous things.

I have always heard people say to trust the training and I really do believe that now. The training schedule goes up and down in seemingly random patterns. For example, one week the long run will be 10, the next week 14, the next week 12, the next week 16 and then back down to 12. It is the weeks after high miles like 14 or 16 that you might feel blessed to only have to do 12 miles. You actually start thinking that 12 is easy. Weird, huh?

Last Saturday was a 14 mile run and was somewhat difficult. (Running 12 in Erroll Estates "hills" was worse). Anyway, this week, very few differences in conditions and preparation, I ran 12 with relative ease. I also have very little residual soreness too. There were three variables:

1. My running mentor/helper Sue was back from running an ultra race last Saturday.
2. I drank a zip fizz before the run - which has electrolytes in it and a few calories.
3. We kept a slightly slower pace in the first few miles. (Ironically, the pace for the overall run was faster than last week.)

There was one negative variable: I had not slept much at all the night before.

So. After an amazing cool off in the Cady Way Pool, Alan and I went home to take our rutual post long run nap. These are not to be trifled with. After running for 2.5 hours in the Orlando summer heat, a nap is required and sacred!

This week I am striving to do more running during the week, more cross training during the week and to eat such that I actually begin losing weight. You always expect to lose weight during a process like this and I have not yet done so. Grrr.

That is all for now. I will post soon with mid week progress. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

pool running

Today I did 45 minutes of pool running with my husband. I was kind of a slug this week and up til today had only run once. So in an effort to go into tomorrow's run with fresh legs, and yet get a run in, I decided to pool run with him. Alan is doing a fair amount of pool running lately as he has had some trouble with his i.t. band. Running in the pool allows you to get the workout with no stress on the legs.

I wondered about its validity as a training run - but once during training, Alan needed to do a full month of pool running. He did not run on treadmill or road at all during that time. When he returned to regular training, he was happy to find that he went right back to running the same pace and duration as before.

All that to say, perhaps I pulled it out and won't have suffered such a setback after all. For me 45 minutes of pool running is probably equivalent to 4 miles. So now I can loosely say that I got in 7 miles this week. I was shooting for 10. Including the 12 miles for tomorrow - I will have 19 for the week.

I will do better next week!

Tomorrow's alarm is set for 5:10 am. Can't sleep. It is this way most Friday nights. Thank God for Saturday morning after run naps.

More later on tomorrow's run.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

small setback this week

I had a little setback this week when I woke up this morning not feeling well. I chose not to run and am now second guessing myself. I really want to get in 10 miles in each week prior to the long run on Saturdays. As it stands I have only run 4 miles this week. I don't think I want to run more than 4 tomorrow because I want my legs to be fresh for Saturday.

Stuff happens, I guess.

I will end today's post with a funny running story:last week during my longest run yet, I was the last one at the water stop before we headed out for the last few miles. Just as I was about to head out, a guy came to the water station -- another runner from a different pace group. He was looking as exhausted as I felt. As he approached, I said, "Hey, how ya hangin?"

It was then that I realized what I had said. Oh No. I was horrified! I quickly said, "Oh dear, I didn't mean that to be crude. I am sorry." He didn't even look at me or acknowledge me as he ran off! I think I laughed the rest of the run! Mortifying!!!

I will post tomorrow or Saturday after the long run. This week we are back to 12 miles.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weekend long run and Speed Training

I am writing this mostly so my non running friends will be able to follow along with me as I train. I know this is much too basic for my running friends -- and they might even need to correct me on a few things.

This past Saturday was the first really long run of the training cycle. We ran 14 miles. I have run half marathons in the past (13.1 miles) but have never trained like this in the summer. The previous half marathons were in the winter and thus the training runs took place from October to February. Let me tell you, summer training is a whole new deal.

We started at 5 am so we would finish our run before it got too hot. The Track Shack staff puts water out for us about every two miles- so we don't have to carry our own water. There are several different pace groups and we run with the same pace group from week to week. I started out fine and ran merrily along for the first 8 or so miles. Out of nowhere... BONK. My quads started yelping and my butt joined in with them. I was a little worried about finishing the run, but I slowed down significantly for a couple miles and was able to pull it together enough to finish the run. I can't say it was pretty - but I got it done.

Speed Training:

Once a week we do speed training. We do different distances each week with a specific pace in mind. We run faster during these drills than we do on our other runs. The goal is to maintain a consistent pace for all of the repeats throughout the workout. Even as your legs get tired, the pace stays the same - and so you learn to run while fatigued.

Today we did 800's. I love 800's. The only thing better than 800's is 400's! What you do is run 800 yards around the track followed by a walk rest for 200 yards and repeat. Each week, the track workout amounts to at least 3 miles.

The Track Shack group does their speed work before the crack of dawn on Tuesdays and after work. I have a friend (thanks, Abby) who runs with me at 630 am instead. Much better.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Why do I run?

People often ask me what made me start running. I started running in December of 2007. My husband is an avid runner and has done many marathons including Boston. Anyone who understands running and marathons knows that means he is fast. You have to qualify for Boston - and he did so in his first marathon ever. I accompanied him to Boston to watch the race and to support him. I must say I got caught up in the excitement and decided then to try running. I had this delusion that I might one day get fast enough to run with Alan ( husband ) and that we could have many great talks and times together whilst running. Ha ha ha. Not gonna happen. I cannot ever imagine the day that I will run as fast as he does.

BUT...I am a runner now and I really love it. When I first started just 2 and a half years ago, I could barely make it from one driveway in our neighborhood to the next. I will never forget my first 5k. I have now completed 4 half marathons and several shorter races. This past aturday, I ran 14 miles and burned 1500 glorious calories!

I am in training for the Chicago Marathon and actually look forward to running those long runs on the weekend. I have joined a great running group from the Track Shack and have made lots of really great running friends. I do share running with Alan - just not side by side on the road!

Next post will be: Why am I training to run a marathon and what is my training regimen?

Okay, here goes.

My name is Julie Lawson and I have just turned 49. That is dangerously close to 50.

I am a runner.

I have never blogged. I am technologically inept. Just ask my 21 year old son. But here I am anyway, creating a blog.

I am doing this to chronicle the training process to run my first Marathon. I capitalize the word because it deserves to be revered.


It is a big deal. I only just began believing I could do it. The race is the Chicago Marathon and it is on October 10 2010. 10/10/10. Cool, huh?

I am starting this blog for several reasons. I want a place to record my thoughts and musings about the process. I want to encourage other beginner runners to go for it.

I want to provide fellow type B personalities a place to go for suggestions and to see how another type B person does it! I am type B married to type A. I train so much differently than he does. More on this later.

So here we go. I will likely post again later tonight or in the morning with my training schedule to date and some of my thoughts along the way.

I will learn as I go and will, hopefully, make this blog fun to read and aesthetically pleasing in the coming days.
