Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon
Nearly Six hours later!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Only 12 miles today. Who says that?

Yesterday I actually said, "Yay, only 12 miles today." I had to laugh because I remember Alan saying such ludicrous things.

I have always heard people say to trust the training and I really do believe that now. The training schedule goes up and down in seemingly random patterns. For example, one week the long run will be 10, the next week 14, the next week 12, the next week 16 and then back down to 12. It is the weeks after high miles like 14 or 16 that you might feel blessed to only have to do 12 miles. You actually start thinking that 12 is easy. Weird, huh?

Last Saturday was a 14 mile run and was somewhat difficult. (Running 12 in Erroll Estates "hills" was worse). Anyway, this week, very few differences in conditions and preparation, I ran 12 with relative ease. I also have very little residual soreness too. There were three variables:

1. My running mentor/helper Sue was back from running an ultra race last Saturday.
2. I drank a zip fizz before the run - which has electrolytes in it and a few calories.
3. We kept a slightly slower pace in the first few miles. (Ironically, the pace for the overall run was faster than last week.)

There was one negative variable: I had not slept much at all the night before.

So. After an amazing cool off in the Cady Way Pool, Alan and I went home to take our rutual post long run nap. These are not to be trifled with. After running for 2.5 hours in the Orlando summer heat, a nap is required and sacred!

This week I am striving to do more running during the week, more cross training during the week and to eat such that I actually begin losing weight. You always expect to lose weight during a process like this and I have not yet done so. Grrr.

That is all for now. I will post soon with mid week progress. Thanks for reading!

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