Chicago Marathon

Chicago Marathon
Nearly Six hours later!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sweet 16

Yesterday's 16 mile run rocked! Not every run is great, as I am sure you have gathered from my posts, if not from your own experience. This one, however, was. Pretty much everything that mattered went well. I stayed on top of my nutrition and with exception of the middle mile yuk syndrome I felt strong the whole run.

The morning started at 430 with my running pal, Emily. We got 2 miles in before the group set out for 12 together. I finished it off by myself on the Cady Way Trail with the final 2 for a total of 16. I did all this in under 4 hours. I still haven't really figured out how long it might take to do the marathon. There are a lot of variables. Temperature, adrenaline, crowd support, nutrition etc. I know I can do it in under 6 hours but I would really like to get closer to 5 hours.

Next week is 18 miles and I am not afraid! That is huge. My training schedule has the longest run of training at 20 miles. I am hoping to get a 22 miler in, though - for mental reasons. I think I will feel more confident if I accomplish a 22 mile run prior to the marathon.

Countdown: 7 weeks.

More later. Thanks for reading!

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